Kick-starting the academic year. Welcome back!
Welcome back PGRs!
The first session of the academic year took place on Friday, 23rd of September and was divided into two sections, namely: (1) Presentation on multi-site NHS ethics, and (2) discussion and development of CADP student section goals.
Multi-site NHS Ethics: The primary presentation purpose was to provide out-of-the-box tips for NHS Ethics applications through IRAS. Image version of the PowerPoint can be seen below - feel free to email me if you want the full presentation!
Goals were divided into three primary sections: TRAINING, GRANT APPLICATIONS & KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE.
Attendee’s developed three provisional goals for the upcoming semester that fit under the above goal headings. Ideally, we will develop working groups for each goal section to promote participation of all PGRs and to enable all students to be involved in the areas that they are most interested in. A doodle poll has been sent around to inquire about student areas of interest. The specific goals devised, provisionally, are as follows:
TRAINING: Organization of a stats workshop – structural equation modelling
GRANTS: compile a list of available student grants for current and future years that includes a section for feedback of successful/unsuccessful application outcomes
KNOWLEDG EXCHANGE: Plan a Scotland-wide knowledge exchange event / day for postgraduates, stakeholders and organisations relevant to the aims of CADP
In the next meeting we will be confirming or amending these goals to fit the remit of the larger student-led group – see you then!
All the best,