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Research in Schools: experiences and tips

Hi everyone,

Today (October 18th), we had our second CADP student-led meeting for the semester. It was very nice to see quite a few people there. As in previous meetings, the session included two parts, a presentation and a group discussion.

We spent the first half talking about conducting research in schools, including the ethics process, recruitment and data collection. Drawing on from students’ experiences, the presentation aimed to provide practical tips for each step of the process. Pictures are attached below, let me know if you need any clarifications.

Following on from the previous meeting, we also discussed next steps for the goals we set for the group (Stats training, Grants and Knowledge-exchange event). Quite a few students have already expressed interest in each of the three areas, which is a great start. There are 5-7 people in each group already. We discussed that small groups could work separately on each area and feedback to our monthly meetings on their progress. We agreed to spend the next meeting to discuss ideas for the knowledge exchange event, as well as grants that are available for students/ early career researchers.

By then, there will also be an update on the SEM training.

See you all then!

Best wishes,


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