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Goals Goals Goals!

Thanks to everyone who made it along to the CADP Students meeting this week! I hope this blog post will also be useful to those of you who gave your apologies, please feel free to get involved in any of the activities I’ve outlined below. We had a slightly different format of meeting this week, instead of a presentation we focussed on discussing our goals to:

  • Compile a list of funding opportunities

  • Organise a stats workshop

  • Organise a knowledge exchange event

After last month’s meeting, Sarah Brown created a Doodle poll to find out who was interested in getting involved in the particular projects. We had discussed previously about how it may be useful to meet separately in the smaller groups to work towards the specific goals, and then take any ideas and progress back to the wider group. We decided to keep our most recent meeting as a quick discussion around all three goals to get things up and running. I was really pleased to see a few more faces at the meeting, it really helped to get people’s ideas to help us take forward some actions!

Here are the results of the Doodle Poll, I’ll send a quick email to each group to get the ball rolling with organising independent meetings. I wonder whether it would be useful for a member of each group to take a lead in organising?

Stats: Sarah Brown, Eilidh, Sarah Janes, Somia, Clair Ann, Roxy, Alice.

Grants: Edgardo, Somia, Clair Anne, Anke, Emma.

Knowledge Exchange: Sarah Brown, Edgardo, Eilidh, Sarah Janes, Roxy, Anke, Alice.

In the meeting, we had a quick update on work towards the goals so far, before having a brainstorm about the knowledge exchange event.

Funding Opportunities

A shared One drive folder has been created which everyone on the CADP Postgrad mailing list should have access to. There is an excel file in there where we can all add details of any potentially relevant funding opportunities. This should allow us to coordinate our efforts of applying for funding J

  • Please add to the list when you come across funding opportunities everyone!

  • Get in touch if you have any problems accessing the onedrive files.

Stats Workshop

Alice & Emma are taking a lead on organising this. We’re aiming to hold the event late Jan and staff will be invited too. Currently liaising with timetabling to get a suitable room and will update once have done this.

Knowledge Exchange

We considered what we’d like to achieve from the event, in particular people were keen to start to build a network with other students in Scotland. I’ll summarise the main points, considerations, and actions from our discussions:

WHO? Doctoral students, clinical psychology trainees and early career researchers in Scotland.


  • What are other people researching?

  • Would they be interested in attending the event?

  • How would we make the event useful for other researchers e.g. methodology section?


  • Find out what people in other Universities are researching:

  • Edinburgh – Sarah

  • Glasgow – Eilidh

  • Stirling, Dundee, St Andrews – Emma

  • Aberdeen, other Unis – Alice

WHEN? The beginning of May seemed feasible!

WHERE? Emma is going to check out possible free Edinburgh Uni venues

WHAT??? We had a think together about what sort of event we’d like, what we’d like the content to be, and what sort of format the event should take.


  • Changing perceptions – how to measure effect?

  • How interactive shall we make it? How do we make it different to a conference?

  • How shall we involve the public and follow-up after the event?

  • Who shall we have as a keynote?

  • How shall we organise the content e.g. around the CADP pillars?


  • Research knowledge exchange events generally – all

  • Research interactive activities and bring 3 each to next meeting – all

  • Think about keynote speakers/speak to supervisors to get suggestions – all

Thanks again to everyone who came to the meeting and indicated their interest in being involved with planning some events and grant applications! Emma is leading our meeting next month and it will be great to get some updates and continue to work towards our goals :-)


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